Why the Media Failed Women in 2013

Found this awesome video on my study break. I hope you all like it as much as I do!

Rosa Parks 58th Anniversary of refusing to give up her seat

I just want to pay my respects to Rosa Parks, who refused to give up her seat 58 years ago yesterday. Her taking a stand was a huge thing not only for African Americans but also for women. She’s a fantastic role model and icon for feminists and race activists alike. Congratulations Rosa!

retrieved from Equality for Women facebook page

retrieved from Equality for Women facebook page

Evan Rachel Wood on Women’s Sexuality in Film

I absolutely LOVE this article that features Evan Rachel Wood’s twitter rant on how women’s sexuality is portrayed in film and television shows. Personally I find it pretty problematic in our society where we prize men as being naturally sexual beings, so it’s ok if they participate in sexual acts in public (you can check out some of my views on this sort of thing here.) Evan talks about how women’s sexuality in film is overly-censored and it’s a bunch of bologna– and I completely agree. It’s about time that women stopped getting slut-shamed and censored and were allowed to be perceived as the sexual beings that they are.

You go Evan!

Inequality in Film Representation

New York Film Academy put together a great visual on how women are unequally represented in film. If there’s any feminist movie junkies out there, this is the perfect article for you!

Take the pledge to help end sexual violence

Everyone should go and sign this pledge. By signing you’re agreeing to help stop sexual violence by recognizing what everyday actions you take may contribute to rape culture and furthering the female stereotype. This may include language or jokes that are derogatory to women or promote rape etc. It’s really important that all of us realize this sort of attitude towards this issues bring complacency as well as makes us think these issues aren’t as big of a deal. It originally is a pledge for those living in Texas but that’s no reason why you shouldn’t sign if you live outside the state. Women (men and children too!) everywhere need both men and women to realize what they contribute to the rape culture that we all live in. If you want to learn more about the organization sponsoring this pledge, you can find the Texas Association Against Sexual Assult (TAASA)’s facebook page here.

Facts on Rape in the Military

Rape in the military has been a huge topic the past year or so and lawmakers have been trying to propose new legislation to give justice to the victims. If you aren’t sure how you feel about it: here’s a list of 50 facts on rape in the military.

Janelle: Music’s new Feminist Heroine

Janelle Monae is a new musician on the scene and a huge advocate for feminism. If you haven’t checked her out, you should because she is fantastic: just a glimpse into her views:

retrieved from: Equality for Women Facebook Page

retrieved from: Equality for Women Facebook Page

Female Role Model One-Stop Shop

If you’re looking for empowering female role models for the little girl in your life and want to encorporate some Christmas gifts in to that stuff, here’s the website for you. It has everything from books to action figures to posters for all kinds of heroines, whether their historical, tv/movie, or superheros. Happy shopping!

Mothers’ Rights

For those who know much about materinty/mother’s rights, it’s a growing topic in the United States, mainly because the US is one of the few developed nations that doesn’t have very good maternity leave and other rights for mothers. Check out this website: it talks about all the issues that surround the topics and ways to get involved.

Everyday Princesses

I love this fantastic satirical cartoon by David Trumble. If you didn’t hear about the Merida controversy, a few months ago, Disney gave Princess Merida from Brave a make over. Merida was awesome because she wasn’t like every other princess. She was a BAMF who didn’t play by the rules: she had unruly hair, didn’t like to be a girly girl and want to go out to shoot arrows (ie traditionally male activities). However, when Disney decided to officially make her a princess they completely feminized her, changing everything that was so awesome about her:

It showed that to be a princess you has to be sexualized and completely feminine. So David Trumble transformed everyday heroines, like Anne Frank:

anne frank realanne frank princess


and Susan B. Anthony:

susan b anthony realsusan b anthony princess

I absolutely love this: I think it’s a great way to make fun of Disney’s views. Check out the article to see all of our “everyday princesses”.

**All images are fromĀ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2487316/Real-life-heroines-including-Hillary-Clinton-Malala-Disney-princess-make-ridiculous-archetype-is.html