Petition: Ban Rapists from suing their impregnated victims for custody

Please sign this petition: It’s really important that we start making a shift in our society to protect the victims of rape no matter what and this petition is a really great step, all you have to do is make an account and click a button to sign.


If we treated physical disease how we treat mental illness


Just something to think about, these are things that people with depression, anxiety etc are told all the time by people who don’t understand mental illness. Do your best to learn, accept and understand mental illness!


Government forcible removes baby FROM THE WOMB

I find this story EXTREMELY problematic. An Italian woman living in the UK who was suffering from bipolar disorder was institutionalized, had a forced cescarian section to remove her baby, and then social services took her child. So… apparently, if you visit the UK and become ill, the government has the right to steal your baby, straight from your womb. As if people with disabilities didn’t have enough of their reproductive rights taken away in the past two hundred years (through forced sterilization as well as it being illegal for some with mental disabilities to marry), it’s extremely disheartening to see that it’s still occurring. The worse part I think is the fact that social services put the baby with a British family, instead of sending it to live with it’s extended family in Italy and that even though the mother is of good mental health now, they refuse to give her back her baby. ‘

Despite the fact that she may have had a mental break, the women should NOT have been forced to have the baby delivered. She should have been institutionalized and kept safe until she either a. had the baby or b. was of stable mind. The baby should have been given to it’s biological extended family in Italy, not a foster family in Britain and WHEN the mother was mentally stable, she should have gotten her baby back.

So many legal violations, how does crap like this happen?

Why the Media Failed Women in 2013

Found this awesome video on my study break. I hope you all like it as much as I do!

Oh the Patriarchy: Things Guys Want YOU to Know

This list makes my blood boil. Besides the large amount of contradictions within the list, most of these things are pretty patriarchal and make me disgusted by the gender norms that surround relationships. Let me just give you a few of my favorites:

#3: “Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. Better watch out girls”

Oh. Ok. So I should become an object that is owned by my significant other if I choose to be in a relationship. Got it. Also you have a right to you know, decide who I go out with and when. You can decide what I get to do. Sounds kind of like an abusive spouse. I’m gonna have to pass.

#10. A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.

Again with this controlling and abusive spouse thing. I’m really sorry that you’re insecure with your relationship but you probably should get over the fact that the women in your life interacts with and are friends with males. You also shouldn’t control who your girlfriend talks with or is friends with.

But apparently: #29. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

So you can you know, talk to any girl you want to, flirt with her, text her you know whatever, but if I interact with a male you get upset. Hmmm… something doesn’t seem right…

Also… #18. Guys like porn!

So you can watch other girls having sex… but I can’t talk with another male or you get you’re panties in a knot. There’s so many double standards in this list, I can’t deal.

#4. The biggest turn on for guys are the girls who workout. However: #36. No matter how much guys talk about hotness or sex appeal, personality is key.

I really don’t know which is most important to guys…. Because two separate points say completely different things. Maybe you should make up your mind.

But apparently.. #13. Guys don’t care about how gorgeous you are, it’s goodbye, adios, and sayonara if you’re being a bitch.

Oh…. so you can pretty much do whatever you want, with whatever girl you want. But if I get upset about, you know, any of that, you will break up with me. You know what, it’s ok. I’ll probably break up with you first because that’s ridiculous.

#20. “The game is on” will be considered an acceptable excuse to postpone any serious conversations.

I feel like one doesn’t need an explantation. But I think it’s pretty problematic that you would put a dumb sporting event over the women you care about sooooo much that you’re ridiculously possessive over her. Since when is a game that EVERY sports network will be cover for the next day and a half with replays more important then the lovely lady in your life?

#21. Cooking makes a girl all the more attractive.

 Aw yes, I was waiting for the traditional gender norms to take place on this list. Yes, because you know, a women is only worth something if she can make something in the kitchen. Ugh.

#22. You can’t get mad if your guy refuses to hook up your “ugly friend” with one of his good-looking friends.

Wait, I thought personality (#36) was the only thing that REALLY mattered. No? Well, I probably should dump you for being superficial, and my friend is probably better off. And I don’t know about you, but every one of my girlfriends is gorgeous for her own reasons. You’re a pig for judging her.

#23. Nothing you will ever do will entitle you to operate the remote control, unless operating means handing it to him.

Oh really? Because I happen to have lady parts, I am not entitled to choose what we may watch sometimes? That seems pretty fair. Except not in a million years.

#24. The only thing left to be said after sex is “goodnight.”

Oh right, because you know, my only job as a woman is to serve you and be your sex object. Please go back to the 1950’s with your views on relationships.

#27. Guys’ night outs are sacred events. If you ask any question about it, you’ll be castigated.

Again, you can control who I hang out with and what I do but if I ask questions I’m the one on trial. This. is. disgusting.

Last one, but really the biggest one. #28. Believe it or not, 99.5% of the time men honestly don’t mean to hurt you.

Sure, that may be the case, but don’t you think you should try to change your behavior if it becomes a reoccurring problem? Maybe you should listen to the woman you care about and realize how your EVERYDAY behaviors are pretty messed up and you should do something out of the ordinary to make her happy and feel better.

Biker Gang to Protect Child Abuse Victims

This is an awesome story. One thing I am super grateful for in our society is there isn’t much victim blaming when it comes to child abuse (or any that is really tolerated or accepted) unlike when women are raped. It’s super awesome that this group of people has formed an organization to help children who have been abused take back power and not feel afraid anymore. I think it’s a great idea that the kids have people on their side, by their side who they believe will protect them and who volunteers to be there whenever and wherever the child needs them. This article made me super happy and hopefully it puts a smile on your face as well.

Rosa Parks 58th Anniversary of refusing to give up her seat

I just want to pay my respects to Rosa Parks, who refused to give up her seat 58 years ago yesterday. Her taking a stand was a huge thing not only for African Americans but also for women. She’s a fantastic role model and icon for feminists and race activists alike. Congratulations Rosa!

retrieved from Equality for Women facebook page

retrieved from Equality for Women facebook page

Growing up in the Spotlight

Here’s an interesting view on what it’s like to be a Disney kid. Joe Jonas published his account of growing up in the spotlight. I think it’s pretty interesting seeing how the patriarchal views of sex and censoring sex acts also affect young men. Let me know what you all think!

Evan Rachel Wood on Women’s Sexuality in Film

I absolutely LOVE this article that features Evan Rachel Wood’s twitter rant on how women’s sexuality is portrayed in film and television shows. Personally I find it pretty problematic in our society where we prize men as being naturally sexual beings, so it’s ok if they participate in sexual acts in public (you can check out some of my views on this sort of thing here.) Evan talks about how women’s sexuality in film is overly-censored and it’s a bunch of bologna– and I completely agree. It’s about time that women stopped getting slut-shamed and censored and were allowed to be perceived as the sexual beings that they are.

You go Evan!

Inequality in Film Representation

New York Film Academy put together a great visual on how women are unequally represented in film. If there’s any feminist movie junkies out there, this is the perfect article for you!